This boxset is a fun little mystery/detective/thriller set that is fast paced, easy to get through and narrated excellently.

My Main Complaint is the title of the third book The Extortionist. There was no extortion in this book and no extortionist, this book should have been called The Embezzler because that is all that is in it and to think that veteran detectives wouldn’t know the difference really threw me off and I found it a very glaring error, most people probably wouldn’t care but it bothered me every time the term was used and it is used a lot. I guess I could be wrong and maybe somehow the terms are interchangeable but I don’t think so.

Now that I got that off my chest the books themselves are fairly entertaining and enjoyable although the character of Steve Jobz to me isn’t particularly likable or smart but the stories themselves are fun. The whole pun on his name is used quite a bit especially in the first novel and it eventually can get on your nerves. Jobz is definitely a conservative and seems to hate anything liberal and I can’t say I agree with a lot of his stances.

The narration by Andrew Wehrlen is excellent and makes the books very easy to listen to and enjoy.

Overall I would recommend if you like fun mystery books that aren’t too dense or complicated and don’t mind a little conservative slant on politics/issues thrown in.

“Please note I was given this free review copy audio book at my request and have voluntarily left this review.”