I REALLY wanted to like this book. I promise you I went into it actually expecting to adore it! I’m usually a sucker for gay paranormal romances and urban fantasy and such, like this book seems like it’d check all my boxes. The biggest problem, in my opinion, is the sheer amount of details that are told directly to the audience. The audience was allowed to learn very few bits of info naturally throw the progression of the story, and as such it felt less like a story and more like a summary of a story. There was very little need to figure things out for yourself, which for me takes away a big part of what I love.
Another big issue was character development in that it felt like the development took all of two paragraphs. There didn’t seem to be any actual lead up and was more like flipping a switch.
I feel in my personal opinion the book did not meet my expectations. I do still love the concept, I just wish the execution had panned out better…