Super Sales on Super Heroes is a fun book. I listened to it and while there are attributes I wish were done differently, I could not stop listening for the pure silly entertainment of it all.

The story isn’t very deep and there aren’t many complex character developments. It doesn’t take a lot of effort to understand all the pieces going on and for a tool to unwind from the day-to-day monotony, I particularly liked that aspect.

Some character voices were very different from one another, and some character voices were the same. While I like having multiple voices and absolutely commend the voice actors/actresses for doing so, I found several points confusing when two or perhaps three characters of the same voice were in conversation with one or two characters of another.

All together I felt like I was reading a comicbook and was kept entertained. I couldn’t wait to pickup the next book in the series but saw Amazon has the trilogy as a set for Kindle. Sadly, economics won out and this is the last of the series from audible for me.