Book 2 in the Steve Jobz detective series is more of the same. The book is enjoyable and a pretty fun entertaining read but I definitely have my gripes, number one being Jobz himself who really isn’t all that likeable and really doesn’t seem all that smart but maybe that is part of the charm. I am pretty sure the character was created just for the pun of his name because they still like to make it a big thing, not as much as in the first novel at least because after the first few times it gets a bit sickening and I can’t imagine every person you meet making a big thing out of it. It is fun and even though some of the dialogue can be a little ridiculous it is still enjoyable. The mystery aspect isn’t bad and it is pretty quick paced and filled with enough action to keep things interesting.

The narration by Andrew Wehrlen really makes the book much more enjoyable, I am a big fan of his work and can enjoy pretty much anything he does.

If you enjoyed the first novel and like the Steve Jobz character you will definitely like this one.

“Please note I was given this free review copy audio book at my request and have voluntarily left this review.”