Astounding! The penultimate self-aggrandizing history of the machine learning future that is today, told to you through the humble-brag, life-lived experience of the author. Listen in awe at the genius ideas championed and leveled with incredulity against the stagnant intellectual leaders of days gone past. Marvel at each step in the career progression, with noted passage through the many halls of elite institutions, all whilst maintaining a fierce intellectual independence. Joy at each student’s and post-doc’s future achievements, all stemming from a singular unerring research program direction. Revel in the reminiscence of conversations with Nobel laureates and dinner parties with titans of the formative (though misguided) early years of artificial intelligence. — It was actually a pretty good book: Informative and thought provoking. I bet Dr. Sejnowski is even a nice guy. It reveals the history of the development of artificial intelligence is riddled with hubris, plenty to go around. We’ve come a long way, but we likely have yet a long way to go, so it’s worth knowing where we’ve been and why we should continue forward.