If you are interested in the nature of Reality, if you’ve ever thought to yourself “how do I know what I am perceiving isn’t just some simulation”, if you are a fan of the Matrix, or if you have at least dabbled in theology or the potential truth of mystical thinkers, then you should read this book. 10 stars!

I’ve long loved the Matrix, Interstellar, and other films that have at their root the idea that Reality is on another level above what we are initially perceiving. I believe this.

Today we call it Simulation Theory, because we have video game simulations, neural nets, augmented reality, and quantum computers, but it used to be called mystical Religion.

I’ve read Flatland, Plato’s Republic, Augustine’s City of God, etc. they’ve all got the same idea: we live in the Cave, the City of Man, or the Flat 2D plane, and if we consider the Creator we’ll wake up to the Real world. I agree with them. I can’t get enough of this idea because now that we can simulate worlds in bits, the idea of a Creator making us, the artificial intelligences, makes a lot more sense.

Anyways, check this book out! Read Infinite too, it’s amazing and explores Simulation Theory from a cosmological perspective, rather than this book, which was more of a teleological perspective. Enjoy!