This book was stressful and a tearjerker. It was consistently gut wrenching and gave me anxiety reading because of how much life there was in the writing. I enjoyed my time, but there were very little moments of relief from either tragedy or anxiety inducing drama.

I couldn’t get into the romance plot at all in the beginning. The situation, the weirdness going on in the world, it just had me at the edge of my seat so much that the romance sorta just made me uncomfortable because I had trouble figuring out what was going on. Like i was on this journey with this guy, feeling his pain and confusion with this world hes in, not knowing what’s going on, i was more worried about his safety and wanting to figure out what the heck was going on in the background.

This made this book incredible to be able to get all these emotions out of me like that. It was so well described, the details made everything easy to visualize even when there are scenes that rip this guy into another world, you can still visualize easily whats happening without getting confused.

Its been a while since i stayed up all night trying to finish a book because the story was getting intense. This is definitely one of those books that will keep you up.

My main complaint was, i just wish there was more light moments to help balance the tone. It felt very doom and gloom way too often that I sorta struggled to get through it at times. The characters were addicting though and the life breathed into the mystery behind the plot and a developing romance was enough to convince me to power through it.

The world building was amazing, as well as the characters. Everything felt so alive and well thought out, like this was a living breathing world with characters that had depth to them.

I believed in the romance by the end and my chest hurt for what was going on. I was in a very sad mood when the book ended but still appreciative of the story.