So, I’m a Jeremy Robinson fan and consider R.C. Bray o e of my all-time favorite narrators, but I just could quite connect with this book. The story was pretty original and the writing the kind of crisp style I like, but it never drew me in. I

I don’t think my failure to connect with it were the religious elements. Maybe it was that I so disliked Jeffrey Kafer’s over-the-top style of narrating in the first act so put-offish that I couldn’t cross that vital bridge to being engulfed in the story and its characters. (Kafer seemed to moderate a bit as the story progressed – or maybe I just got used to it.) Bray, of course, was great on his parts.

I think MAYBE I didn’t connect because I’m not a gamer. That didn’t stop me from loving Ready Player One, but this one is a different type of story.

I ended up giving it 4 stars because:

(1) it isn’t the same-old, same-old; didn’t work for me but I respect the originality,

(2) Bray was a 5, but Kafer just a 3, and

(3) COVID-19 has me jaded and demanding more of those who I pay to entertain me.

I will, without doubt, buy Robinson’s next book at or near its release date.