Adored Mia and Derek! Their relationship grew slowly and beautifully over the course of their adventure across the country in Mia’s late brother Jake’s Camero. They learned what made each other tick, what the other craved and needed, what true love could feel like. They also learned that life is too short to feel sorry or let negativity fill your thoughts and space.

I really enjoyed the little bit of heat in this story. It wasn’t the focus, but when it was addressed it was sweet and sexy. The author did a great job giving just nuggets of smut without it feeling like that was the entire focus of their relationship. It worked very well for these two.

The ending of the story was dramatic and sweet! I’m happy with how the author wrapped up their journey and I cannot wait to see them in future books in this series!

My only peeve with the story was Mia’s constant use of quirky phrases to express emotion. “Cheese on a cracker!” type outbursts. It was cute the first few times and representative of her unique personality but after the 10th one or so, it started to grate on my nerves! The overuse made her character feel extremely juvenile. Then when the heroine started doing it, I just wanted to eye roll like Cam.