I have really enjoyed of the block ocean series books. And up till this current Mission Park, Astral Prime Was easily over taking both Mercenary for Hire and GalaxyOutlaws as my favorite.

But the problem is is that this book is way too much on a character who is losing their humanity. At first it was interesting and shocking that it happened, But then several missions became filler in between content.

It is certainly more to read and it does expand on the story, but it feels less planned out than the rest of the series and there are several chapters that just grind on gears for unnecessary links and monologues of interpersonal thinking.

There was five times I wanted to quit and technically I did, but I forced myself to read through the rest because I had already paid for it and I wanted to see what the ending was because it was kind of obvious where they were going but the journey that it was not worth it at all.

I do praise the authors for sticking to their guns and not taking the easy way out. But it was simply just drawn out way too long and for what it was it was not amazing ride to get to the ending.

I totally understand that there needed to be some introspection going on, but it didn’t lead to an ultimate ending where are the introspection was meaningful.

That’s why I think the other series are slightly better when it comes towards the latter half of the series.

For fans of the series this will probably be a decent read but it’s still going to be hard to get through, and it’s kind a hard to recommend the submission pack to anyone that hasn’t read the rest of them because it might not make any sense as to what’s going on.

But with that said I really look forward to seeing more in the black ocean series and I will continue to support it.