So I really enjoyed the book, I like that are hero is a none standard race. something personally I’ve been wanting in more fantasy books.
the npcs are rather fun and fairly colorful bunch, though I really hope we get to experience them more soon.

the worlds are interesting though I hope we get more background on them, they seemed in this book as sorta just backdrop.
i may have rated this higher in fact, however there is a few issues. first and foremost there never a real feeling of threat, even in light hearted adventures there has to be some stakes and i didnt feel it here.
secondly the main character evolves way to fast, though given the ending maybe this book was all done as a sorta prologue?

lastly my main nitpick is a personal one I think, the main characters motivation, this is not a spoiler as it is stated in the first chapter.
he wants to be reborn to reunite with his wife after they both passed on.
dont get me wrong it is a bit romantic and all but I’d prefer to have seen a character or characters fall in love not this.

overall though it’s a fun experience that pulls from Norse methos.