The whole AO series has been seriously crippled by its overwhelmingly bad narration on audible. This book only highlights that.

Very slow.
Lot of time spent not really doing anything but complaining, and whining about life. So that got old.

Seemed like the same points just got said over and over and over, “doing whatever for rachel”, “can’t trust anyone”, seemed every other paragraph was about that.

I was also disappointed by how little character development there was. What happened to the budding relationship between kyle and julia? Seemed we only learned anything about them when it expressly concerned fin.

I’ve loved the previous book and All of AO (never the narration) but this one was very hard to get through. I’m not sure I can convince myself to get the sequel when it comes out.

O also, seems like a whole lot of rules AO rules got changed in this book? Especially the ending? He looses his arm in combat, now that is permanent? what the hell? Shouldn’t some of the characters in the main storyline be missing fingers, arms, and well, even heads?Also why didn’t the seeyer give fin spells? all the other deities did.

One last thing, seems like the author missed a lot of realism here. Everyone just accepting prophecies in a video game? just accepting the complexity of the NPC’s? Not even mentioning the craziness of these hundred year old backstories.