TLDR: its a super interesting concept but the execution renders this in my humble opinion only good for ages 10-14 maybe.

I managed to force my way through a few of the books in this series, but ultimately I decided to return them and spend my credits elsewhere.

The narrator’s almost monotone and lack of emotion only highlighted for me every time a new never before reached level of power was reached to save the main character from an ever more inexplicably powerful enemy to simply make the story work. rarely have i a seen a book where writers convenience has played such a huge part in simply making the story functional. the magic system is not well built, explained, or quantified at any point. the bad guys have every possible unfair and unrealistic advantage and good guys have every possible disadvantage and the good guys win every time anyway. unrealistic mistakes and decisions that don’t fit the characters are made and obvious strategies are simply ignored with frustrating frequency. i kept expecting the main character to randomly lift a sword and yell “By the power of writer’s convenience. i. have. the POWER!!!!!” or “By your plotholes combined i am captain CHARLIE!”. i really really wanted to like this series because the mix of technology and magic in this way are super interesting to me. In short this story abused my suspension of disbelief like a red headed step child and ruined any possibility of immersion.