This is a great series!! It is a very rich and in depth look at what I believe to be a factual representation of what could happen if we had a massive, instantaneous, global shutdown. The carachters are complex and their interactions are genuine and fulfilling. The only issue I had was the pronunciation of some words by the narrator. He used specific words written in the book that are considered slurs when said by people not “of color”. I do not hold issue with the use of the words because they were from the vantage point of carachters that would say them and it allegedly not be an issue. They should have been said with a certain inflection that was not used. This seemed to be limited to the first book and in realizing this, I think maybe the author had received some feedback and thus refrained from using it again. It just should have been used with the “Soft R” instead of the “Hard R” because that’s how the carachters, had they been real, would have used the word(s). I personally don’t care because I can see past that to realize the whole story, but some may be deeply offended and not finish an otherwise great story chock full of useful information as well as entertainment value. I hope you take this as constructive feedback and keep telling stories of your version of post apocalyptic America!