Another VR-MMORPG Gamelit set in a unique game world and beset by technical issues, namely an update that compresses the time from a half-hour of real life time to 360 years game time. The progression aspect was fun and the World Tree itself was pretty imaginative and unique. It certainly leaves a lot of elbow room for additional books to explore the rest of the worlds therein. My biggest gripe is the monologuing by the ‘bad guy’ who presents himself as ‘the chosen one’ and gets progressively worse and more convinced of his righteousness, compounded by chapter after chapter of his idiotic internal dialogue trying to justify harming people in deeply disturbing ways while assuring them that they will come around to his way of thinking.

Seriously upsetting and worse than that is the obvious way the book is going to go. Why waste so much energy on rehashing the same word vomit from a psychopath when you know damn good and well that he is going to lose in the end? Predicatble in that way, sorry if you think this is a spoiler but you would have to be pretty naive in reading this to expect any other outcome.