In this second installment of the Leafy Hollow Mysteries, Verity Hawkes is beginning to settle into her new life in Leafy Hollow, is getting the hang of the landscaping business left to her by her eccentric aunt, and is making friendships. Of course, trouble follows where Verity goes and an event to honor the town’s historic teenage hero is disrupted by allegations of fraud. When the writer who disputed the town legend turns up dead, the beloved town parson comes under suspicion and Verity and friends dive in to try to prove his innocence. Twits and turns abound and a twenty-year old mystery comes to light.
This book was as entertaining as the first installment with many laugh out loud moments. Side stories about support characters contribute to keeping the story interesting as well as the many twists and turns. We learn a little more about Verity’s missing aunt and the mysterious Control.
Petrea Burchard did a fabulous job voicing the story. I enjoyed listening to her.
This is an entertaining and delightful cozy mystery and I look forward to listening to the next book in the series.
**I received a free copy of this audiobook in exchange for my own unbiased review. **