The story of Seth and P.J. was so heartbreaking and yet beautiful. Ms. Evans presented their story in the form of letters from Seth to P.J. and then she would reveal P.J.’s reactions to them. Seth truly was a broken man. He experienced so much brutality when he was younger and it affected his personality and gave him severe trust issues. P.J. had lost her parents when she was young, leaving her to be raised by her older brother. She went through a rough time dealing with all of this and hasn’t quite recovered emotionally. Adding two broken people together definitely doesn’t give you a whole couple. They both have baggage to settle before they can establish a successful relationship.

I found this storyline to have a nice flow. It was a creative way to learn Seth and P.J.’s story. Also entwined with their romance is a bit of a mystery. This definitely added an additional element of interest to the story.

I was fortunate enough to receive a copy of the audiobook to review. The narrators were wonderful.