Karalti ruins the story for me. I pretty much immediately deleted the book when she learned to turn into a human form and it became apparent this plotline would just not go away.

Initially I was gonna wait until she hit level 10 and allegedly ‘matured,’ but I just couldn’t take it anymore.

Hector isn’t much better, enabling this petulant behavior (including throwing him off a cliff in a fit of rage btw) with barely stern talking to.

As someone who reads books as a form of escapism and experiences them vicariously through the protagonist, this is the quintessential 1 star ‘Not For Me.’

Personally, I’d have hog tied Karalti and sent her gift wrapped to the evil kingdom. Maybe she’ll drive them crazy enough to kill themselves.

A bit of childish petulance I can take, she’s a child. When that petulance is a result of incestual infatuation, and leads to appalling disrespect and hatred of your girlfriend? And you basically do nothing but try reason with her? And it never stops?

No. Pass.