Boyd Craven III has knocked it out of the park with this series. Wes and his family, including his dog Raider, are forced to survive a raging solar storm, that knocks the world into a complete blackout. What’s unique about this book is Wes is involved in the moonshine business, amongst other things, and is generally skirting the border of legality. The backwoods feel is refreshing and also downright entertaining. And the most pleasant thing is the book is clean, little to no foul language, etc. That’s always a plus. But it’s just another story about survival in the midst of a catastrophic event, when the world absolutely changes in an instant. And we can see how this could happen, and possibly might, at some point in the future.

Kevin Pierce is his at his spot on perfect best. No one can narrate PA fiction like Pierce. He’s the master. Can’t wait for book 2!!