After listening to and enjoying Jack Hunt’s ‘Lone Survivor’ series, and seeing this book listed for download as a review copy, I decided to see what this series would be like. This is my voluntary review after giving it a listen.

‘As Our World Ends’ is the first installment in the series ‘Cyber Apocalypse’. In it, Alex and Sophie are a couple on the brink of divorce. When power failure and other mysterious disasters begin to happen, they decide to find their daughter together. Meanwhile, Elisha, their daughter, is in California, the opposite coast from her parents. This is the story of whether this broken family can come back together after the nation’s devastation.

Throughout this book, it’s a mystery as to the cause of what’s happening, but there is one scene that explains one part of it. When I got to that section I thought, ‘That’s a thing? They can do that!?!’ I had never heard of this type of destruction before. Definitely scary and completely believable.

A lot of my enjoyment of the book stems from the relationship between Alex and Sophie. We’ll discover throughout the series if this couple, who were poised to have their divorce be final, can make it across the country together. Already they are pushing each other’s buttons to keep on-going arguments alive. I really like the dynamic Mr. Hunt has set in motion during this first book.

Of course, there are plenty of violent encounters with bad guys. How all of the main characters deal with these situations fill the book with suspense and action. Lots of roller-coaster thrills to be had in this one. There’s an elliptical quality to the book that add a sense of completion, even knowing it’s just the first chapter of a bigger story.

Kevin Pierce is the quintessential voice of the apocalypse and does not disappoint here. I couldn’t imagine him doing a better job. His performance is perfection in every way.
