Arianne has been confined to her fathers estate for years.. until her mother convinced him to let her go to college under an assumed name “Lina”. She is assaulted by her cousins friend on day two and Nicco saves her. He is a mobsters son.. but does not know her true identity. They fall hard and fast!

Parts of this story broke my heart, for Arianne and for Nicco. There is so much that comes against them and so many awful things that happen.. well.. it SO worth the listen. Five stars from me and am extremely high recommendation for this audio. L.A. Cotton is a fantastic writer, and has outdone herself with this! I have some excellent torture ideas for three or four of the characters!!! I can’t wait to see them get theirs!!!

Sarah Puckett and Michael Norman Johnson are fan-freaking-tastic as the narrators for this!!! I can’t say this enough!!’