I saw a few recommendations about this sports meets rock star romance recently, so I jumped on the opportunity to listen and review the title. Honestly, I don’t know that my enjoyment of a book every vacillated so much chapter to chapter. There were parts of Kick Off I really loved, then I’d hit a scene or chapter that had my enjoyment bottoming out, and a few chapters later there’d be another scene which left me absolutely impressed. I ended up being completely torn over this book, especially given the ending.

First things first, it’s worth noting that Kick Off ends as a cliffhanger. The first part of the story wraps to give a logical close, but there is absolutely no resolution for the couple- not necessarily a bad thing but something I feel readers/listeners should know going in. Secondly, I was a little surprised by the narrator. This is my first experience with him and while his talent is undeniable and I enjoyed the tone and rhythm of his voice, his maturity came across straight away and it felt like an odd choice for a book about immature, new adult characters. As such, the voices never matched to what the characters were doing and saying. That said, he did an excellent job switching up between the various accents and dialects referenced in Kick Off.

As far as the story went, I really liked the concept of Kick Off- a closeted football player (soccer for US readers) paired with a rock musician who’s stuck under his wealthy father’s thumb. I liked that both were fighting for notoriety because it gave them an immediate connection and understanding about what they’d willingly sacrifice to achieve their dreams. For the most part, I enjoyed the progression of the story. I simply felt the drama and characterization of many of the secondary characters (antagonists, female admirers, etc.) were overblown. Similarly, some of the back and forth the characters go through felt like it was done solely to create angst and conflict. I have a thing about books feeling like soap operas and I think that was the major thing that turned me off Kick Off. It boasted good characters, a great plot, and room for enough natural conflict that it didn’t need the excess. Will I continue, I’m certainly tempted, but at the moment I’m uncertain.

*Received ACX promo code via LesCourt Author Services. The PA and author had no influence over this review*