Pirate ships are so alluring. What makes them so romantic? Well this trilogy has turned me into a pirate lover! Not only is the life exciting, but the pirate himself is impossible not to love! This last book in the Jolly Rouge series lets us follow Gaston and Frederica into their marriage. Gaston loves the sea, but now that he and Frederica are having a child, he is rethinking what would be best for his family. Wanting to keep them safe, he considers leaving the sea, but is that what Freddie wants? This is so much fun! From Frederica not wanting to acknowledge being pregnant to dealing with patients, we get her thoughts and decisions. She is as feisty as she was when she was captured, and this woman knows what she wants. Gaston just makes me smile, with his demands in the bedroom and his fragility with the baby. I loved their adventure and was thrilled with its ending!

Piers Ryman finishes out the trilogy with his wonderful voices. A better narrator could not have been chosen for part. He falls into the world of pirates, each character with a distinct voice and allows us to enjoy their journey. It was a pleasure to listen to this incredible story teller.