The narration is excellent once again! Eric, Suzy and Abbey are starting things in a different surrounding and then we all get to find out why we have the Feather Boa in the title and what an addition does this make to the story! We continue to see more of some of the allotment characters, as well as Lydia, and Thomas. We learn more about Suzy’s family members growing up and her last history in marriage. Little Abbey is developing more of her own character. A number of new characters are introduced into the story and now we see more issues effecting Suzy and Eric’s marriage both from within and outside forces. It will be interesting to see where they go in Book 3, will Abbey continue to dance as she was introduced to it in this book, will LuLu the red setter show back up in Eric or Suzy’s life, will the new allotment member who became Suzy’s friend so easily and fast still be her friend when things are all said and done? Will all these questions be answered in the next installment of the Peas, and Carrots series…. We will have to wait and listen or read to find out! I am ready!!! How about you?