To quote Shakespeare, “Two households, both alike in dignity,
In fair Verona [County] where we lay our scene,
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny.” It seemed appropriate. (Shrugs)

Prince of Hearts is definitely an enticing read. Lovers of Romeo and Juliet will appreciate the nice little homages to the original. New comers will love the anticipation of what’s to come. Everyone, however, will scowl, scream, or contemplate tossing their reading device once they get to the end. (Even those of us that already knew it was only book 1)

L.A. Cotton captured my love of star crossed lovers with my incessant need for mafia romances. It’s like she wrote it just for me! (Thanks L.A.!) Enjoy the brooding bad boy. Maybe even have a little fun because soon your going to be frustrated like the rest of us. Just watch your back because all is not right in our fair county of Verona.

Arianne, the innocent, and Nicco, the very bad boy, are in for an eye opening experience. Their fresh, New love is going to be tried and tested. I hope both prove just how strong they are especially together!

I’m a Sarah Puckett fan at this point and so it was obvious I needed to hear this! I’m new to Michael Norman Johnson and like with all new narrators- I get fussy and cranky. LOL. Its not them, it’s me. Really. I need to learn to get used to cadences and the way they emphasize vs. the way my brain reads a book. He did a good job. I look forwars to hearing King of Souls!