Firstly, I’d like to say that I am a large fan of this series and will continue listening in the future. That being said, the pacing and “climax” of this entry into the series left much to be desires.

The good:

The writing is just as good as the rest of the series. In fact, characters that are the focus for any length of time feel more relatable and fleshed out than in previous books. Travis also gives an amazing performance as usual.

The bad:

A majority of the book is a training arc that never gives a payoff, or has what would have been the payoff happen off screen. After that is almost 2 hours of side character perspectives and chapters that reiterate what other chapters covered but from someone elses perspective. In each of these cases, one perspective would have been enough to get the point across. Then there’s a cliff hanger. That sums up atleast 95% of the plot.


The book is all build up with no pay off, seeming more like the first half of a book. I would wait untill the next entry comes out and listen to both at once.