I adored this book to the point that i had to finish it in the same day.

It was well balanced and well paced with its story telling and romance.

There were a lot of characters but the way they were slowly introduced made it easy to pick out who was who. The character building was great although maybe slightly unbalanced as by the end of the book i still really didn’t know a lot about the main characters romantic interest. The main character had a lot of time and care to set up his background, past, what drives him and what he cares about. Flashbacks even are seen to help bring you back to his pivotal moments. But the romantic partner, other then knowing hes an elder, i didn’t know anything about him to get attached.

Even with a lacking character building in the romantic interest, i did still really dig the romance. It was a medium burn, slight tension, with a lot of relief for that tension eventually with some spicy Erotic moments. The Erotic moments dont take away from the story and really just enhance the flavor of the romance. Nothing terribly graphic as the eroticism is fairly vanilla and the same motions you’ll see in a standard romance, probably wont be enough to make you blush or get hot and heavy.

The world building was detailed and well painted so that you could easily envision it. I really liked this dark, modern light fantasy world and the social structure put in place to make it easy to understand.

The story was great too! It was well paced with mystery, dangerous action sequences and detailed explanations of magic/powers. I really liked following along to see what was happening in this murder mystery type plot. The great blend of romantic story telling and the mystery really kept my interest fixed to see the result of either.

Recommend this book highly and definitely want to see more of this world!