Finally we have Emory and Jon’s story. Since the first time we met these guys in the Curl Up and Dye series, we finally get to see them both get their happy ever after. Emory is a psychic with a raw and bleeding heart. He lost his husband in a tragic car accident and hasn’t been able to move on. Jon is a dangerous man with a sordid past. He spent years in the military getting blood on his hands. When he finally retires and goes home, it’s only for him to discover he has a long lost twin brother. When his twin is murdered, Jon is left to pick up the pieces and manage the nightclub his twin left to him. Both men are hurting and lost and don’t feel ready for love. Fate has another plan.

So I liked the book, but I didn’t love it. There was way too much retelling of events that happened in the Curl Up and Dye series, and I felt like I was getting a long recap of a soap opera episode rather than reading a new book. I liked getting to know what Emory and Jon were feeling behind the scenes of the Curl Up and Dye series, but not at the expense of any real plot. The plot in this book was pretty loose and didn’t feel like it had it’s own identity. The last part of the book was the best part, and did a lot to redeem the book for me.

I love the characters, so I’m committed to finishing the Curl Up and Dye series and the Road to Blissville series. Aimee Nicole Walker has created some amazing characters that I have fallen in love with. Characterization is definitely her strong suite and makes up for a weak plot. Plus, the sex scenes are super hot and really enjoyable.