
Elyse has the blood of Zeus and as a Lowe she’s got a job to protect the humans and with this comes the fact that she has a few additional lives. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg along comes this hot guy on bike yummy instant attraction. For some reason or another Elyse is drawn to the man who is Apollo. But to add an awesome twist to the plot along comes Hades as he needs a break from the underworld after everything with Peresophone has fallen apart. He sees Elyse and she confronts him the next thing you know they are fighting and other activities. But Hades walks away. Hades also commits the biggest betrayal when he kills Elyse to save her from X want to know more well I’m not telling.

But the main part of this story isn’t really the Gods getting Elyse it’s her fighting X (Death). And what a fight that’s going to be. Apollo has to hide the fact that he’s fallen for a human otherwise Zeus will banish him back to Mount Olympus. All told an enjoyable listen/read that I would recommend to anyone.


Well things are getting interesting now Elyse has recovered from when Hades killed her and she back stronger. But X is also stronger after consuming more souls. Hades is still acting a dick running hot and cold around Elyse it’s all fight then well I’m sure your clever enough to say what happens next then he walks away. Poseidon takes Elyse on a chariot ride that helps calm her and yes he’s making progress on the heart front falling deeper and deeper for her. Ares has also come to help with the fight against X and as the God of War he’s looking for a fight but the other gods underestimate him and see him as a little childish. He tries to step in a fight Elyse’s fight which only annoys her. I will say that whilst I love the guys and their characters are well developed I get a little annoyed with Elyse when she’s down she’s down and even a little whiny but when that spit fire raises her head man is she awesome. I’m now well and truly invested in this series.


Well we’ve seen Elyse suffer some bad luck and fall down on her luck X is getting strong the guys are fighting by her side diligently but they aren’t make any difference they know that working together may be the way to go but it doesn’t help when technically Herecles isn’t supposed to help and Hades is running hot and cold all over the place. Elyse is also stronger as she’s had to use more of her lives. Apollo is missing from this book because Zeus has found out about him and Elyse and banished him back to Mount Olympus. The end is getting near the action is heating up and Elyse is showing that although she’s now with 3 gods they each have there own time. I’m so looking for to Hades book which is going to round out this amazing series.

Narrators this is one of the best narrated books I have listened to that has multiple POVs as each character gets their own narrator. And well Hades voice is hot. But that being said each narrator nails their character