I was determined to finish this book because I was hoping so much that the ending would wrap things up nicely and that it would have made the adolescent trash that was the earlier parts of the book worth it. Oh, how I was so disappointed.

As always, I had listened to the audiobook. Soundbooth tries their best as always and I really do enjoy their other works. The narration was OKAY, it wasn’t great but that was probably due to the source material.

Spoilers below.

Now, the source material. This is pure teenage power wish fulfillment at its worst. I am not usually one to judge against it, that sub-genre is usually a guilty pleasure of mine when it comes to short books. But this one, oh man, this one. The characters are boring, all of them. Because this is sort of an edgy-er X-men, it relies on the characters to be interesting to make it a good book. This all falls flat when the characters never develop. This problem is compounded by the fact that the only thing good about the book is that it does build some intrigue about who is the overarching villain in all this, but it leads up to nothing there is no true villain character. They only hint at an evil group at the end of the book but with no details. Until then, they simply exist and it is boring. There are events, but they all come out the same. The main character just being the main character. I have never facepalmed/eye-rolled so many times while listening to a book before. This is a teenage power fantasy that does not know how to make itself believable. The writing demonstrates a teenage level knowledge of the world and also shows a limited knowledge about actual character dynamics. Overall this gets a solid 2/5.

Ranting section: The main character is such a mary sue it hurts. The main female supporting just straight falls in love with him “because he would die for her”. Each of the supporting cast contributes almost NOTHING and then they introduce a loli character that is dependent on the main character thus queuing up the teenage harem fantasy. The code names given to them by the “military” are absolute trash and only add to the absurdity of the entire situation. It is written in the first person. The main character’s thought processes are that of an adolescent fool whose vision is as narrow as when you use binoculars on an object 2 feet in front of you.