Hell Squad continues with dark Dom, ex-mafia enforcer, and lovely Arden. I liked this couple a lot. They were truly unique. I think of Arden as the ex-PTA/soccer mom who lost her loving husband and two children in the alien invasion. Dom was born of a mafia prostitute who died early, to be raised by the mafia boss as an enforcer. Wildly different before the invasion, yet somehow they make sense. I love that Arden is allowed to have a healthy love of her family, while respecting her new relationship without tons of guilt. She gathers her grit and forces herself past her fears. Dom is an awesome character- made for darkness. Part of the berserker crew that doesn’t quite fit- wears slacks and collared shirts, ex-mafia with an ex-cop friend. Truly unique. Of course there is typical action and alien killing and a couple of close calls- and the aliens even pull one over on the humans. But human grit and fortitude and love keep them fighting for the human race. Great job to the Audible narrators, as always!