The story was a fun listen and the narrator is amazing!!! Does so well with women voices you forget he is a man.

My 3 issues I have are with the author.

1st, the stories are getting repetitive. A girl is being attacked (usually poisoned, shot w/ an arrow, or knocked unconscious) by some unknown person. It would be nice to see the man attacked and the girl having to save him or some other plot entirely.

2nd, STOP using the word GRIMACE! It is way overused! At least once a paragraph.

3rd, please do research on hymens. Every story the girl is a virgin and according to the author, has a hymen inside the vagina, the men can feel it when they insert something, there will be blood after the first time, and it really hurts all the girls the first time they have sex. This is such a horrible myth to spread. Hymens are a thin layer of skin at the entrance of the vagina with a hole in the middle, some hymens are almost non existent. Most women have “broken” it before sex by any physical activity or even riding a bike or horse. And most women don’t feel a “break” or sharp initial pain the first time they have sex and most don’t bleed the first time. Please stop writing otherwise.