Well, I have listened to almost all of this book. So far it’s been pretty enjoyable (I have 2.5 hours remaining). The reason I’ve stopped listening to write this review is because the female narrator keeps grating on me. Jeff Hays, as always, does a great job and I usually enjoy his work. However, this female narrator really is lacking. The tones of her character just seem off and pull me out of the story – forced, overly emotional, jarring.

Now as for the story. I’ve been enjoying this LITRPG and have enjoyed the main character delving into the typically “unplayed” class. There’s been some decent crafting elements throughout the story so far; however, it’s not nearly as “crunchy” number grinding as I was expecting or hoping for.

Overall, I would recommend this someone else that is a fan of LITRPG stories, thankfully the female narration is limited compared to the main characters so those jarring moments are fairly few and far between.