This story is basically master class in plotting, in storytelling, in an author sticking to her guns and writing what she wants to write and having whatever happens to these characters, happen. If you are not familiar with this story you must start at the beginning to get the right feel for the family and their dynamic. With this being said, if you dive in thinking that you know what will happen, let me tell you WRONG!!!!!! No one is ready! I was a slave to this audio. Completely unputdownable and with the genius of Joel Leslie Froomkin at the booth performing what would otherwise be a full cast of characters, this audio is a ride that will take you from 0 to 60 in the blink of an eye. Joel Leslie deserves a damn medal!!! I can’t even imagine the work he put into this narration. He lived these characters and made me feel like there were 10 people in the booth. It’s an action packed, slap in the face story that will feed the inner thirst of anyone wanting to have an audio experience that will leave you speechless and aching for more. LOVED IT!!!
Review from Vicious Minds: Part 1 →