I’m wondering if the previous reviewers are relatives of Mr Forbes. Yes book 2 does continue from where book 1 left off but that’s the only connection I see to book 1. A 6 hour audio book and 4 and a half into it as I write this review and so far very little of what I’ve heard actually adds to the story in book 1. So far just a series of scenes that are overly drawn out to create “fill”. I’m getting the impression that the author is hoping this will turn out the be a cash cow series that he can stretch out.

I really hate being so negative since after the disappointing cliffhanger ending of book 1 I really expected the follow up book to be something I could feel good about…not the case. I’d love to see the return of “stand alone” books or maybe even a trilogy once in awhile but so many authors now are writing never ending stories filled with endless dribble just to fill time with just enough “story” to hopefully sell the next book.

On the bright side Jeffrey Kafer’s narration is stellar as usual and is the only reason I’m going to finish the book. I seriously doubt that I’ll blow another credit on a book 3.