Scratches that 70s action itch. Joe Lansdale has acknowledged it as an influence on Hap and Leonard. Caveat: the book doesn’t have the best portrayal of black characters. The narrative is constantly saying things like, “the black with the shotgun” for example. And the #2 character, Hump (the Leonard of the duo) runs awfully close to the “black buck” stereotype for much of the first half of the book (his main narrative action is sex and violence). The publisher’s note says in part, “…reflects the cultural and sexual attitudes, language, and politics of the period” which is fair up to a point. If you look at racial presentations in contemporaneous crime fiction, specifically the works of Elmore Leonard, you don’t find the same language or characterizations. It does work as a piece of action oriented, 70s hardboiled crime fiction but that caveat stood out.
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