Oh boy, where to start.

There’s nothing more irritating than characters contracting a case of ‘Inexplicably Stupid for Plot Convenience.’ Especially when it’s so blatant. From Arthur refusing to confide in anyone, ever, about all the shit he knows, from inexplicably holding back for ‘cool points.’ It’s all there, and all of it beyond infuriating.

Nothing encapsulates ‘Stupid for Plot Convenience’ more than the ending. It’s so nonsensical it’s insulting. Every part of it (which I won’t get into for spoiler reasons) from the confrontation to how it was handled.

I would be shocked if TurtleMe had an editor, triply shocked if he did and said editor let all this go without once uttering ‘Excuse me, the final third of the book is ridiculous. Are you sure?’

This story reads like a child wrote it. A child who has a decent grasp of the language, fair enough, but a child who’d just got done watching all their favourite anime in a binge before writing.

Not only do I not care what happens next, I won’t be picking up the sequel to find out.

It’s unfortunate, because the performance was really well done I think. Narrator just didn’t have much to work with.