The premise of the book was pretty decent but the way people act or react to things is just really off. For example, they are in the middle of an apocalypse lost lots of friends and loved ones but every other sentence someone “grins” or is “grinning” for no apparent reason. I played a drinking game with myself taking a shot every time someone grinned and got pretty drunk. Other things that were irritating is how everybody got the same notifications and messages about the changes to the world and all they needed to do to get more info was check their interface but every person the MC comes across just about needs to have it explained that “the world is like a game now.” Really? People are that dumb they couldn’t figure that out on their own except for a select few who were gamers? Even people who are gamers seem to need to have it explained to them. I’ll be getting the next book if for no other reason than I’ll probably be continuing the drinking game and I ain’t got nothin better to do… *sigh*

Ps. Voice acting was pretty good. I don’t generally like having multiple narrators in a book but they did alright with what they were given.