So, at first, I had a bit of a hard time getting into the book. Not going to lie. I think this was mostly due to the fact that the crazy blacksmith guy sounded like he was from New York and my initial opinion that the main character was a bit of a wimp. But then, as I continued to read, I just realized how great Gary and the rest of the Soundbooth Theater crew really are. The banter between the main character and his friends, both dark elf and dwarf, was very believable. Even their main antagonist, who despite being a rather common trope (the spoiled but slightly OP noble) was believeable especially considering the brief conversation that he and the main character had near the end of their duel. I also enjoyed the fact that the main character, who is half orc, wasn’t some OP master warrior despite having a very rare class. It emphasized his need for his friends and allies, which I find is all too lacking in this genre where everyone and their mother is a special cupcake who can wipe the floor with just about anyone if they but try hard enough. I definitely recommend this book to anyone who is on the fence and am eagerly awaiting the next audio installment.