The book is good enough. It is a YA book and I think it would hit that target audience well.

The “But”: I don’t say this to be mean but Aurelia Vazquez sounds awful. Either she is wearing a night brace, or has something in her mouth, or has a constant swollen tongue when she talks. What ever it is she can’t annunciate properly. On top of that she also has a slight lisp. This is frustrating because my wife and one of my kids are not native English speakers, it is their second language. This makes it really hard for them to understand what she is saying because her way is speaking is rather bad. Since I often listen to books with my children this makes it not good that I have to pause and explain what she says since she can’t properly speak. Thus this lowers the quality of the performance a lot.

So a 4 Star book but a 3 Star performance.