First the good: a grim picture of societal devolvement should we find ourselves without food, gas and law and order. Good details that would make any prepper proud.

Now the bad: narration is average at best, and the story doesn’t really go anywhere. There’s no good payoff at the end, and while we follow two storylines, it seems that we should have also been following the official response and global issues as well. It just leaves you unfinished.

Worst of all are the three groaning moments of the story. There’s the one where you’ll want to scream, “JUST HIT THE GAS AND GO!” while our otherwise steady heroine sits helpless, stupidly. Then there’s a few “why are you getting distracted by [his face/the dead girl]? Take the stupid shot! I hate cringe moments in stories. Lots of people die here and there’s lots of action, but those three cringe-worthy, yell at the author moments overshadowed the rest for me and take the score down.