This is not a book or story for everyone. It’s brutal, and disturbing, a story of a woman stolen and trafficked, and the man who bought her for his goddess island that caters to the most depraved desires of the world’s riches men. Eleanor is horrified at the situation he has found herself in, and fights it every step of the way, but also finds parts of it intriguing, including the monster who bought her, Sully Sullivan. She sees him as a monster, but feels a pull towards him that makes her recoil and draw to him at the same time. And then there’s the monster, Sullivan, who buys women to “work” on his island, basically drugging them into an erotic stupor to cater to his clientele. He truly is a despicable person, and he knows what he does isn’t morally right, but he doesn’t care. When he meets Eleanor, she’s his every dream personified, and he can’t stand that she brings out these feelings in him, which he has never had before with any of the women he’s purchased. So begins the back and forth, the strong willed woman and the powerful man pushing against each other, fighting their physical attraction.

As I said, it’s a pretty horrific scenario, but that’s not tiptoed around here. We are given a couple glimpses into a more human side of Sully, and a darker side of Eleanor. I could do without the preachy vegetarian asides that are peppered in, almost used as a justification for how the women are treated. But it’s an intriguing build up, even in its brutality, and the ending left me wondering where they go from here.

I received this audiobook free in exchange for my fair and honest review.