Narrator Review:

Jeffrey Kafer and Heather Costa have done another fabulous job making the characters come to life. Jeffrey’s narration of Liam’s aussie accent…one word swoon!

Book Review:

Lady’s-man-Liam Evans has been told by almost everyone to stay away from Sarah’s friend Emily Summers. But he is just drawn to her and can’t get her out of his mind. While in Vegas, celebrating her best friend’s Sarah marriage to Liam’s Team member Owen, they do a “Ross and Rachel” and get drunk/married.

Liam and Emily both have pasts that make them never want to settle down and get married. Even with their reluctance to settle, they both don’t jump and sign the papers to get an annulment.

Liam and Emily’s world collides professionally when Liam’s Team rescues a little girl from a drug cartel and Emily is trying to put that drug cartel away. The two of them work together to find out who wants the little girl while also fighting their growing love for each other.

Brittney really played with your heart in this book. I found myself tearing up then full on ugly cry. I felt the pain Emily felt. I couldn’t put the book down until I finished it in one sitting the first time I read it. AND I cry every time I have re-read it. You are so invested in the characters that how can you not cry for them! I stumbled on one of Brittney’s Hidden Truths books and I was blown away with every book she has written. She is one of my “One-Click” authors. I devour all her books more than once! She never disappoints!