I very much so enjoyed this book!!! The soundbooth theater team and Andrea do such good work with their voice acting, and I was especially impressed with them in this book. In regards to the plot, characters, and litrpg elements, i really was rooting for Jack and co and can’t wait to see what happens next! I especially liked ALT. The story progression was smooth, and I like the crunchy numbers. I was also a fan of the exciting fight scenes, but what truly makes this book shine is the angle from which it comes. Yes, There’s the usual trapped in a game or virtual world trope, but the feeding of loot from the Tower to the town in order for it to level was really unique. There was also the leveling system where in your health and mana increased via gear, not assigned stat or skilled points. A third fine point is the fact that every tower floorwould randomly change, even if it had been visited before making no two climbs the same. My only issue with this book was that it was not long enough LOL. I definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a good read