I just don’t understand where you Firefly fans get the stones to filth up book reviews of works of such magnitude as J.S. Morin puts out, to a crappy Syfy channel grade, space opera wannabe, canceled after one season because it sucked, television show. Now I’m not saying J.S.M. is some master of literature like King or Sanderson, but the dude entertains, and he does it well. I’ll admit that Firefly maybe had a chance to contend with real world building and better than superficial character development, but that chance crashed with the cancellation of the series, and burned with that turd movie they made, which was unremarkable, and blessedly forgettable. If it was the grand story you all make it out to be, there would be more print material than 4 cute wittle fanfiction-turned-novella books and a handful of comics.
I guess what I’m trying to say is, take your little Firefly crush and go cry yourself to sleep under your Fathan Nillian poster hanging over your twin mattress that sits in the floor of your room/basement in your parent’s house. Ask your mom for an extra scoop of sugar among your cheerios tomorrow and get over it. NOBODY CARES ABOUT FIREFLY!
in summary, losers need to stop comparing the echoes of a lite-scifi tv shows to epic scifi/fantasy literature. I’m talking to you trekkies and stargaters too.
As for my review of the books themselves, just use that credit and you’ll see for yourselves what a spectacular story you just got for the price of a burger and fries with a beer. As with The Twinborn Chronicles, the story, characters, and word/a were dope, the narrator was deft at his craft (acting), and J.S.M. now has (at least?) two 80+ hour multi-book series that entertain from beginning to end.
Thanks for reading my review. If you agree with my J.S.M. v Firefly rant, I hope that at the very least, it made you smile. And if you’re a diehard Browncoat who doesn’t agree, and you just wanna put on a brown duster and pew pew pew me with yer layzerbïms, sorry not sorry. (and ffs, brown coats? In space? Just…..really? Brown? How appropriately boring) had to put up with the fact that I couldn’t reply to your idiotic Firefly suck-fest reviews, and so shall ye be restrained. Smoke a fatty and get over it! I did 😉