WOW!! No f-words, or swearing in general. No excessive violence. But a most realistic and compelling dystopian world. I’ve listened to a LOT of books and this PA story is the absolute best of the best. And all too realistic these days. Tom Abrahams creates a dystopian world where man is both in disastrous peril, but still has genuine heart. Proof of that is Marcus Battle, one of the best PA characters there is. He’s developed in such a way, where his guardedness is so well understood and defined. But underneath his loner exterior is a man who’s haunted by his painful past, but is coming through it.

What Abrahams does so well is create. a world where cartels and evil men rule over people in the land, but completely without the need to use explicit language and violence. This rarely if ever happens. That shows his true gift as an author, and how much he puts into this. He doesn’t need filler to create a gritty, believable world. It’s truly incredible. And combined with the unparalleled PA narrator Kevin Pierce, you’ve got the best of everything. This truly couldn’t be a better listen. I don’t want this to end. Thank you Tom Abrahams, Kevin Pierce, and most importantly for audiobooks, Audible!!