I swear to God, I read all my book in order ( Unless an author emails me saying that “Your 30 days are up….. wheres my review! I’ve always hated confrontation so I just move there book higher on the list so I don’t get yelled at for being late, and I have a lot of books This book was given to me in the middle of Aug. So yes I’m behind but eventually i listen to everything and review everything…not this author or narrator, they are fabulous). So the day I finally get to this book, it’s the same day that all the schools around me have been closed. All of North Carolina and like 60% of SC. And my mother says all of NJ is closed and my sister is teaching her classes and lecturing online. Now I’m really hoping that the amazing author is just an amazing writer and not a prophet or psychic. OK… back to the book, and sorry for my strange tangent. But this book was an excellent book. I loved all of the Walking Dead references, I loved that show!! But this book is very entertaining. The narration was on point. The book was smart and even though you can find some similarities with a lot of the other apocalypse books/ movies/ TV shows it still held its own. I’m Glad that I got to this book when I did, ya know, before the end of the world. Now I’m about 75% done. And I HAVE to go finish this book right now, especially if the end of the world is coming. Keep Your Kindles and Tablets charged people! lol. But this is excellent. I highly recommend. I”m really hoping there is a second book!

This book was given to me upon my request.( Thanx Andy!) I am providing a voluntary and honest review.