I feel like one of those giggly girls in my class that always swooned over Elvis Presley and made sure the entire school suffered with them waiting for Elvis’ latest record………except that it’s a half century later and I can get most of the Internet to suffer with me while I wait for Joshua (author) and Paul (performer) to get off the dime and release the latest wondrous book of the Phoenix and her disreputable crew who each have a heart of gold. The closest parallel I can think of are the madames in the John Wayne movies who become selfless heroines and at the end of the movie, ride off into the sunset (with the hero of course) vowing to reform and help humanity settle the wild, Wild West! Of course it’s the wild, wild space waiting to be explored, law & order established, and bad guys can be AI’s! I’ve got the series on my top shelf and my patience is improving.