The Longest Night, Enter Darkness, Book 1, By: K. M. Fawkes is a post apocalypse story.

A short story about struggle of survival. It has good characters and a good story line.

The story doesn’t end in a cliffhanger but you can see where it could go on. As the apocalypse starts up.

There is very little corse Language in it, I can only remember one or two words. But there could have been more. There are no sex scenes, but there is a hint of rape in the story. But it is only an indication of it. Although there is some violence it does not go into a lot of details. A man does get shot in the head.

Narrator Andrew B. Wehrlen brings each character alive with their own individual voices. A job well done.

This audiobook was provided by the author, narrator, or publisher free of charge for a honest, unbiased review.