This Sci-Fi m/m menage adventure just keeps getting better. Carters adventures on the Fleaf’akhie home planet continue to be exciting and fun.
Surprisingly I enjoy the rotating POV, getting a peek into their thoughts and reflections. Carter is smart, funny and truly deeply in love with his “guys”. Pykh is sweet, smart and oh so innocently earnest. Siel is noble, brave and humbly grateful for lifes second chances. Even hearing Auk’s pov turned out interesting. I was not an Auk fan in books 1&2, but after hearing from him in first person, understanding his actions and motivations puts him in the good guy column.
I love the continued world building, learning more about Fleaf’ahkie history, and culture. Meeting another omega. Those alien bugs remain scary, puzzling and downright gross.
The battle scene!! Well written, tense, and vivid. It will be exciting to see how all the fleaf’ahkie react to fancy space ship technology.
The final chapters, Carters astounding news, just icing on the book cake.
I am very impatient for book four.
OF COURSE, this book is made more amazing by the excellent excellent narrating by Joel Leslie.